Jeremy Skeet, a former BBC journalist and Head of BBC Social Media, led a talk and discussion with senior school students. Aside from his own career path and experiences in the busy BBC news room, Jeremy also spoke about the importance of story telling in all forms. Life is full of stories and communication is key. Students were made to think how to form narrative to capture audience attention.
Hearing from industry experts and being able to ask pertinent questions helps to give students insight they may need when developing their own future plans. From this session it was clear that communication, in all its forms, is a skill needed for success on a personal and professional level.
Our young people are creative and innate storytellers and this needs to be nurtured and encouraged.
“ I always enjoy talking to students, and the Sancton wood pupils made me feel very welcome, were attentive and asked great questions”. (Jeremy)
Jeremy Skeet teaches journalism at Universities in Europe and The US and is also a freelance producer.