House System

The school prides itself on its very active House System whereby all staff and students are assigned to one of three houses.

student throwing a stick

The houses have very strong historical links with the school. They comprise of:

  • Dragons
  • Griffins
  • Phoenix

At Sancton Wood we celebrate the successes of all our students who strive to achieve their best in all aspects of their life in school. The House System gives our students this opportunity to be rewarded for efforts and achievement in all areas. Students regularly earn house points for excellent work but they are also encouraged to get involved in the many inter-house competitions.

Each house has both senior and junior house captains and they are involved in running the house meetings thus promoting student leadership and responsibility.

Each house also has a fundraising responsibility and contributes to the schools’ Charity Committee by organising in school events and hosting stalls at the school fair.

Open Morning

Please join us at our upcoming Open Morning on Saturday 28th September from 9 – 11.30am.

Book your place online via this link –

two students standing infront of a sancton wood school poster