12th March 2016

Infant Stars Of The Week

starry night

Lucas –  He is an example of positivity to us all. He approaches all classroom tasks with confidence, bringing enthusiasm and a ‘can do’ approach.

In addition, his alternative ‘Jack and the beanstalk’ story was fabulous with great ideas and super spelling!


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Year 1
Oliver – Year 1’s Star of the Week is Oliver. He created a beautiful book in his own time with fantastic illustrations. It was great to read and it must have taken a long time. Well done Oliver.


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Year 2
Cassius and Emily – Stars of the week in Year 2 are Emily and Cassius both for the way they participated on our trip to the Museum of Cambridge to learn about life in the times of Florence Nightingale.

They enthusiastically answered and asked questions, and made thoughtful observations.

Well done both of you.


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