
Like our Pre-prep department, our Prep School is a creative, safe, nurturing environment where children develop as creative thinkers through a diverse and challenging curriculum. There is a seamless transition from one one key stage to the next. Expectations are high and staff enable children to achieve and to be proud of their progress.

Students are looked after by the class teacher and groups will average 18 per class. Prep children will be taught core subjects by the class teacher in their classroom. Specialist teachers will teach the class in the classroom, apart from computing, music, art, PE and drama, with Y5 and Y6 having additional specialist teaching in Mandarin Y6 and French Y5/Y6. Where classes are doubled in the Prep School children are set for Maths. All other subjects are taught in mixed ability groups. Year groups will participate as a whole in productions, trips, PE, sporting fixtures and assemblies.

Our approach is grounded in Sancton Wood’s values of intellectual curiosity and the value of fun and learning. Every child is valued equally and given opportunities to shine. The curriculum ensures progression of skills and knowledge from one year to the next. Because we know our children well, we are able to monitor their development, to support their learning and to stretch them with new and engaging challenges.

Biennial residentials offer children opportunities to develop independence, resilience and to experience adventure.

We’re a community of fun and learning and look forward to working in partnership with you, the parents and families of our pupils.

Open Morning

Please join us at our upcoming Open Morning on Saturday 28th September from 9 – 11.30am.

Book your place online via this link – https://www.sanctonwood.co.uk/admissions/open-day/

two students standing infront of a sancton wood school poster