12th March 2016

Year 2 and Florence Nightingale

students ironing clothes

Year 2 have been learning about Florence Nightingale and at the Museum of Cambridge they were able to experience what it was like to do the washing in Victorian times.

From grating the soap, using a mangle to hanging out the washing the children very much came to realise what hard work it was to carry out these simple tasks especially in a harsh environment such as a hospital during a war.
They also found out about the conditions the soldiers were nursed in during the Crimean war and what a difference Florence Nightingale made to their well-being. The children were taught how the make a bed and what ‘hospital corners’ are. A great day and such an interesting experience. In the words of one child ‘the best trip ever’ and ‘it just blew my mind!’






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two students standing infront of a sancton wood school poster