We didn’t have the best of starts, when three of our selected team members had to withdraw due to various reasons. How ever their substitutes were fortunately raring to go.
We played St Mathews first in a good humoured opener, neither teams were experienced and mass confusion followed. Sancton Wood managed to win with a great goal from Matthew after himself and our captain Nabat strung together some accurate passes.
Next up were Abbey Meadows who were very strong and we did well to lose only 2-1. We then went on to play both Morley and Ridgefield both of which we won. Mainly due to Hugo running himself ragged and intercepting every pass going. Leia sealed it with some superb shooting.
Thanks go to our captain Nabat who made the correct vital decisions through out the tournament and organised the best set of cheering I have ever heard in praise of our opponents efforts. We came joint first in our group on points, but sadly were placed second when goal difference was taken into consideration.
Sancton Wood’s pupils were just happy to come away with three wins out of four.