1st April 2017

Match Report: Year 7 & 8 Girls Football vs North Cambridge Academy

sancton wood football


Ferocity, toughness, resilience, teamwork, strength.  These are some of the key words that directly highlight the girl’s football game against NCA and for SW it was truly a battle!

The girls from NCA were tough and they made sure SW knew it.  NCA were strong but fair in their tackles and forceful in attack, taking shots from all areas of the pitch.  Our goalie, Selina, followed later by Rosy both did an outstanding job and saved many attempts at goal.  The SW girls quickly realised that this was no ‘friendly’ match.

Leading from the front was Nabat who showed no fear in getting the ball, calling to her team mates to work hard and be strong in the tackles.  Her ferocity throughout the game led to her breaking her toe, but she only realise this when she got home, such was her toughness that day.

Other players such as Libby showed their true colours with sporting aggression and positive encouragement to her team mates at all times.  Sanika, Malak and Elle were always defending hard and showed outstanding team work, led by example and never quitting.  Aisha and Ruby, having their first attempts at a school football game quickly dispelled any worries about the game and once in position attacked the football with confidence.  Once Sophie, Rose and Martha had warmed into the game and realised the battle before them they all raised their game.  Sophie was excellent, being brave around the pitch, showing great resilience and encouraging her team constantly.  Rose using her hockey tactics and tackling where she could and Martha, putting her body on the line!  On two or three occasions Martha purposely deflected a shot a goal with her body or leg,  resulting in some bright red marks, but none the less, temporary ‘war wounds’ she could be proud of.  They all showed fantastic commitment!

The team really did work hard and although not a victory, they played with conviction and ferocity.  It was a very exciting game.  Well done girls!

A special mention must also go to the young NCA referee (front/centre in pic) for making the game fair and flowing.  And to Antonino (back/right, our excellent Year 7 footballer turned coach) who volunteered to come and help with the game.



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