2nd January 2018

French Penpals

French flag

We are delighted to announce that the penpal programme for Year 9 students studying French is now well underway. Our students were excited to receive an introductory letter from their penpal and discover common interests. Their replies, written in French to a very high standard, were sent off before Christmas and were received, I’ve been told, with great delight by the French students in Wavrin, northern France.

Next, both sides of the programme are working on filming a video tour of their school. In the meantime however, we are busy planning for a visit from our French penpals to Cambridge on Tuesday 5th June when all students will meet each other face to face for the first time. They will take part in outdoor games, share a picnic lunch and visit the Fitzwilliam Museum together. Further details about this exciting event will be given nearer the time, but for now the students can look forward to meeting in person the penpal they will be getting to know over the coming months.

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