As part of our Enrichment programme, the head of Nursery and Pre-Prep, Miss Nic Henson runs Forest School for Pre-Prep. Forest school builds resilience, a sense of achievement and improves motivation and concentration.
“The benefits of Forest School are linked to the long-term, regular sessions, and echo the holistic development aims in the six guiding principles. Research has shown that children can benefit in a multitude of ways ranging from confidence to social, emotional, intellectual, physical and language development (Murray & O’Brien, 2005).”
The group started off by making leaf crowns and garlands using thread. The following week the children have been learning about about fire safety including preparing the ground and toasting marshmallows on an open flame. They have also been busy learning about art in nature by making leaf printed clay pots.
These experiences offer new perspectives and empowerment and help to build positive relationships with their friends and also adults. The children have been really enthusiastic, and have enjoyed stories about forest fairies and the magic they hold. Their use of imagination has led to creating their own worlds. The children have been problem solving and expanding their vocabulary and communication skills through den building which has been a lot of fun!
For more information about enrichment click here: