Monday of last week was the International Day of Education as set down by The United Nations. Whilst I might agree with Spike Milligan’s belief that, ‘Education isn’t everything. For a start, it isn’t an elephant’ it is also true that almost daily there are stories from across the globe of children and young people being denied a positive educational experience and of citizens fighting for the right to be educated. It’s no accident that authoritarian regimes look to remove the access to education or manage the education offered as a control mechanism.
This is partly why I am proud that the school has links with communities beyond the UK in areas that do struggle to access the basic right to education. I met with the Charity Committee this week and was delighted to hear that they are keen to continue our partnership with the school in Kampala, St Vianney’s. They have also booked a visit from our other international partner charity The Ramatu Foundation of Sierra Leone scheduled and expect to be contributing support to them as well.
It is vital that the children are aware that the right to education is very important, that it’s not yet secure to all across the globe and in this way, they are privileged. I often tell them that they must not feel guilty about this, rather they should ensure that they continue to educate themselves and whenever possible act responsibly and kindly; that they challenge narrow-mindedness and really try their best to be a global citizen. It’s something we work on in PSHE, with our programme of visitors and assemblies, and with pupil-lead groups such as the Charity Committee. Together we strive to remember that the core value of the ‘broad and deep worth of each individual’ applies beyond the walls of the school and that our belief in ‘practical kindness’ extends to all.
Read last weeks “A word from the Principal” here: